Our oldest Hindu scriptures "Vedas", written 1500 years BCE, deliver only a singular message repeatedly:
I am the creator & I am the creation
I am everything & everything is in me
This was never clear to me as to why would someone write repeatedly & consistently say the same thing which was so simple. I ignorantly assumed that it was because in that age people were simple minded & needed to be cajoled. But the irony is that all our scientific progress has taken us further away from understanding the simple truth.
GOD is literally Everything & Everywhere.... There are NO Exceptions!!! Now you will say how God can create & reside in Falsehood, in lies, sins, hell, evil & darkness? Surely god cannot lie or be a Lie?
Let me give you some food for thought from Hindu Mythology:
Ramayana: Lord Rama told his charioteer to lie to his father that the charioteer did not hear his king’s command to turn the chariot back to Ayodhya & not take Lord Ram to the forest for exile.
Mahabharata: Lord Krishna told Yudhisthira to lie when Drona asked him about the death of his son Ashwathama & blew his couch at the very moment Yudhisthira said “the elephant” to distort the truth, leading the undefeatable warrior Drona to lay down his arms.
Only God himself can be free of duality. For if he is truly god only then for him there are no rights/wrongs, positives/negatives or cause/effect. In fact he is duality because he encompasses all. Duality is an Illusion created by us because we don't want to believe that our god is also cruel or allows for cruelty or suffering.
Mythology aside let’s get down to Science: In science there have always been absolutes, over time these Absolutes have been shattered. Let's examine a few:
- The concept that the Earth flat & was at the centre of the universe dates geocentric universe: dates back to at least 600 B.C.
- Continental drift was proposed in the 1920-30s by Alfred Wegner, but was totally dismissed until the 1960s when it ushered in plate tectonics.
- Stress theory of ulcers — it turns out they are due to infection with Heliobacter pylori. Barry Marshall won Nobel Prize for that.
- Conventional belief was the eye evolved many, many times. Then they discovered the PAX genes that regulate eyes and are found throughout the animal kingdom — eyes evolved ONCE.
- Geoffrey St. Hillare was a French scientist who had a theory that invertebrates and vertebrates shared a common body plan. He was widely dismissed until the HOX genes were discovered.
Silence denotes absence of sound. This was proven false by the discovery of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), an almost-uniform background of radio waves that fill the universe. The CMB is, in effect, the leftover light of the Big Bang itself, which over time has stretched out to become radio waves. Evidence to this can be witnessed simply on any TV/Radio set which when not tuned to a particular frequency shows "Snow/distortion, its actually poor quality reception of the CMB. Hence there is no place/frequency which is silent in the universe. In fact all Particles themselves have their own Frequency/Music.
Space donates absence of Matter. This absolute was also shattered by the discovery of the "higgs-boson" particle. Which is present universally and gives all matter mass. Basically its what gives space it's mass!!! Ironic isn't it??? The Higgs-boson field made it possible for all matter to come together & resistance levels of different particles, to this field, gave them their different masses. Also these particles travel faster than light, so that's another absolute that nothing can travel faster than light,
In fact Newton's laws of gravity had to be completely rewritten by Albert Einstein's "theory of general relativity" because it failed to correctly explain Mercury's elliptical orbit around the sun. Einstein's theory stated that a massive gravitational field will bend "spacetime", curving it. This denotes that space is not intangible but something that can be bent/pulled. Which now falls perfectly in line with the "higgs-boson" field.
Darkness denotes absence of Light. As we are aware energy cannot be created or destroyed thus all matter has it's own inert energy or heat. All atoms have their own internal inertia generating heat. This heat signature is present in all matter but is so minuscule that we cannot see it with our naked eye, this Is the non - visible spectrum of Light. Scientists perceived that at absolute zero(-273.15°Celsius) if we stop all movement then matter will have no heat. No heat means no light hence darkness. This stood true till early 2013 when scientists made a gas that could breach the absolute zero barrier. Now absolute darkness is not possible not in black holes, not @ absolute zero. There will always be heat/energy everywhere.
So in conclusion in the universe there is no place/thing devoid of sound, matter & light(energy). In retrospect God literally is everything & in everything.
There is no void. Hence no place were god doesn't exist.
Image Source: (Top) http://gawker.com/5923618